Creating a fun and efficient ordering experience

for Ssong's Hotdog

Ssong’s Hotdog Ordering Experience was a 9 month project where we pick apart the process of ordering a Korean hotdog at a food court in a busy mall. This project underwent several rounds of iterations, testing and observations where we creepily stared at the customers placing an order at the Ssong’s Hotdog stand. By collaborating with the co-founder, developers and designers we created an efficient online ordering experience that captures the essence of what Ssong’s stands for.


Enhancing the end-to-end order experience to increase customer motivation during peak hours and improve wait-time satisfaction.

Enhancing the end-to-end order experience to increase customer motivation during peak hours and improve wait-time satisfaction.

Enhancing the end-to-end order experience to increase customer motivation during peak hours and improve wait-time satisfaction.


Ssong’s Hotdog is a Korean corndog brand with 15 branches across the United States and an international presence in Japan, China, and Vietnam. What sets Ssong’s apart is that their Hotdogs are freshly coated in batter and fried after ordering for a fresh taste. However, this process increases the order's wait time, especially during peak hours. Wait time and long queues play a crucial role in a saturated space of food courts for hungry, tired customers wanting to grab something quick.

Goals accross 4 sprints:

  1. Efficient Ordering Process that shows the entire menu
  1. Satisfy customers after a 10-min wait
  1. Fun and Trendy Feel

Mapping workshops across 5 sprints helped the client have a stake in the design rationale


Mapping workshops across 5 sprints helped the client have a stake in the design rationale

1. What would the hungry, tired customers want?

Skip the wait-line with the brand new express QR Order system!

Upon several rounds of interviews, ideation sessions and testing we created an ordering system that cater specifically to Ssong’s customers. In this efficient ordering system the customers can now place the order using a QR code, checkout using a digital wallet and shop until their order is ready. We also made the toppings more visible so that the customers can customize their orders faster.

2. Ssong’s vision was clear: “fun, trendy and Korean!”

Placing an order is fun and trendy but what after? From our work-sessions with Ssong’s it was clear that the Ssong’s wanted to build a brand loyalty. We analyzed their social media engagement and found that customer’s loved Ssong’s unique hotdog making process and korean pop culture. We created a two weekly games that provide a fun, trendy experience and increased customer motivation. Customers can either interact with the ssong’s wall or play a weekly game to win rewards. All without downloading a single app!

Play a Community game or leave a note on the Ssong's Wall while waiting


This was the first project where I used the Design Sprint Framework. Because of the iterative nature of the sprints, I had the opportunity to assume many roles (Facilitator, Prototyper, Interviewer) and identify my strengths and growth opportunities. The challenges I faced along with my team have not only left me with a better understanding of the non-linear design process but also highlighted the importance of adaptability, teamwork, and communication.

Looking forward,

If I continued work on this project, I would iterate on the designs to support the development team's needs and represent the customer's best interest. I would also conduct usability tests as the development team pushes new features.

Team: 4 Designers & Researchers, Developer, CEO
Timeline: 2022-2023

Tools: Figma
Role: Product Designer, Design Lead, Prototyper, Product Component Libraries, Documentation & Guidelines, Consulting & Collaborating w/ Marketing Partners, Working w/ Eng, Vision work

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